Advances in technology and the economic case for getting more underrepresented groups into employment highlight the need to support and deliver better services and resources for learners and job seekers. This Employability Day #EmpDay18 we’re celebrating businesses actively making a difference, improving society and changing lives in this area.
Working with Young Women’s Trust, we engaged young women aged 18-35 through a range of social channels, resulting in 646 sign-ups to their ‘Work It Out’ programme; a mentor service helping them feel more confident and ready for work. Using a collaborative approach, through participation and advocacy, we encouraged women to bring about the change they want to see.
We also worked with KPMG and National Numeracy to help develop the first ever National Numeracy Day, on 16th May 2018. Research has shown that low numeracy levels are a key barrier to social mobility, and those with poor numeracy skills are more than twice as likely to be unemployed. The day focused on every day numeracy, and aimed to empower people to take steps towards improving their numeracy skills and to feel confident when using numbers. Over 25,000 people registered on the National Numeracy website, which provides users with quizzes, numeracy lessons and resources. In addition, over 100 organisations became Numeracy Supporters and National Numeracy Day was discussed in Parliament.
Our work to help improve skills and employability here in Southwark and beyond is strengthened through partnerships with the Social Mobility Foundation, Taylor Bennett Foundation and Better Bankside’s Events Academy, providing work placements, training and a network of support to individuals.
We’ve also helped to drive inclusion work within our own industry and the wider business community with free online resources highlighting ways you can take action and make a real impact.
Giving a voice to the employment support sector, driving understanding of employment support as a ‘national good’, is essential for current and future jobseekers, employers and the health of our economy and the communities we serve. If you want to amplify your impact, or need help reaching the hard to reach then we’d love to have a chat. Get it touch here.