Hil Berg

Hill Berg

Associate – Strategic Advisor

Hil supports businesses and not-for-profit sector organisations to integrate purpose into their organisational strategies. She works with Forster across the responsible business and social innovation agenda, helping to turn complex sustainability challenges into measurable positive impact.

Previously based at Iceland Foods as Head of Sustainability and CSR, she has worked internationally on social change projects. Her campaigns for Iceland on palm oil and plastic reduction have won multiple awards and her Backyard Nature Campaign, funded by the Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation, is supported by 25 leading NGOs.

Hil supports the not-for-profit sector in a variety of unpaid roles including Trustee of the Lankelly Chase Foundation, Trustee of national social care charity PSS, member of the Business in the Community Welsh Advisory Board and as a volunteer outdoor and survival instructor with her husband’s social enterprise, set up to connect people who struggle to access nature with the great outdoors.

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